Now partnering with The Lighthouse of Houston to bring student and adult art program
Free accessible art program for those who are blind or have low vision

Now partnering with The Lighthouse of Houston to bring student and adult art program
Free accessible art program for those who are blind or have low vision
This is a free and accessible art program that we started in 2017 to provide visually impaired students with the opportunity to create tactile art projects. In the Fall of 2023, we partnered with the Lighthouse of Houston to open the program to the entire visually impaired community of all ages! We meet once a month on a Saturday from 1-3 PM at The Lighthouse of Houston, 3602 W Dallas St, Houston, TX 77019
We received a grant from The Idea Fund to produce a tactile art exhibit to bring community awareness of the need for touchable art experiences for those who are blind/visually impaired and those with other sensory needs. We had planned to host this show in October to accentuate Blindness Awareness Month; however, we have had difficulty securing a location to host the show. We have now decided that it will be best to make the tentative date for February, 2025. This will allow more time for the artists to create touchable art for the exhibit. There will be an “all-call” for artists coming soon. This show will not be created by the participants in Creating With Blind Abandon, although some may choose to create their own art to put in the show. We will seek artists in the community, both visually impaired and sighted, to create art “touchable” art for this exhibit. More information regarding this project will be coming soon!
This has been a dream in the making for the past 7 years! We are very excited to announce our partnership with The Lighthouse of Houston to house Houston’s firstcompletely touchable and multi-sensory art gallery that will be accessible to all, the Hands to See Gallery! We are thrilled beyond belief to provide this opportunity for our visually impaired community! Although the gallery is created specifically with the VI community in mind, it will be open to the community to experience! We plan to have an educational piece to help others understand the varying levels of blindness due to a multitude of visual impairments. This will enhance the gallery experience in providing greater understanding of the various needs of those with differing visual impairments. We plan to include areas of multi-sensory experiences and some fun activities to participate in under blindfold! Of course, the art will include 3-d paintings, sculptures, and many touchable art pieces! More information will be coming soon!
Our program is open to any artist, whether students or adult, with a visual impairment, including blindness or low vision that cannot be corrected with glasses, who would like to express himself/herself creatively! We would love to see this program reach students and adults throughout the Houston and surrounding areas!
We continue on our never-ending quest for accessible art venues for our art enthusiasts. Unfortunately, in the vast cultural city of Houston, tactile art exhibits cannot be found! We will continue participating in as many events as we can find, so that everyone will see that even the visually impaired love to experience art! So far, we have been featured on ABC Channel 13 for our participation in the Houston Art Car Parade, participated in the Houston White Cane Day celebration, participated in the HAVIN Expo, and have been featured in TSBVI TX Sensbilites newsletters in both the Summer 2018 and Summer 2019 editions. Who knows! Maybe one day we will open our own tactile museum! We dare to dream!
My name is Katherine Trimm, and I am a Teacher of Students With Visual Impairments (CTVI). Over the years, I have had so many students who love art, but do not usually have the opportunity to express themselves creatively! Linda Brown, a Braillist, and I decided that it was time for a change! Together we researched artistic opportunities for our students to no avail! We resolved that our students could become the tactile artists that we could not find! With the help of some wonderful people, we saw our vision come alive!
Your support and contributions will enable us to continue our program, as it is free to all of the participants. Your generous donation is greatly appreciated.
Lighthouse of Houston, 3602 W Dallas St, Houston, Texas 77019, United States
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 665, Tomball, TX 77377 Email Address:
Meetings monthly on Saturday from 1:00-3:00 PM.
Please check with our "Meetings and Events" for exact meeting dates